Happy Birthdays Wiki
Seed of Mutation medium

Creates mutated forms of organisms. Use a Seed of Life or Seed of Evolution, and it will appear in the Cube.

Seed of Mutation is an item, that is found or given by Navi. It can help quicken the mutation process in Birthdays the Beginning.

It will only work on a species that has a mutant form available. If the species has no available mutant species, the seed will be returned.

One disadvantage to using a seed is that the new life form will appear at random on the map. Water species will be in water and land on land but often they can be in an inhospitable habitat. They may appear in a location with little food or the incorrect temperature. This can often result in a quick extinction, but may be useful in capturing a rare species, especially if its parent species is about to go extinct. A Mysterious Glass Jar can be used to collect a DNA sample of the creature before it goes extinct and create a new one in a more favorable environment.

Unlike with the Seed of Evolution, the Seed of Mutation only spawns one mutation at a time. If an organism has multiple mutations, a Seed of Mutation will have to be used to create each of them. The order in which they appear is random.

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